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Expressions & Names

We'll start off a little slow and talk about expressions in python. From your math classes, you probably know that an expression is anything that can be evaluated, like 24+3, 5/2, 6.72, etc..

In Python, expressions are pretty much the same -- anything that can be evaluated.

Primitive Expressions

Primitive values in Python include numbers and booleans, which evaluate to themselves. Generally, anything that evaluates to itself in one step is a primitive expression.

>>> 27
>>> False
>>> 4.27

Each of these is a primitive expression, as no computation is required to evaluate them.

Arithmetic Expressions

This is just math! Python comes with the four basic arithmetic operators -- +, -, *, / -- as well as a few more than you'll find useful in your CS experience.

  • **: this is the exponentiation operator; the equivalent of $2^2$ in Python is 2**2.
  • //: this is the floor division operator; it will round down the result of division and return an integer.
  • %: this is the modulo operator; it will evaluate to the positive remainder from division.

{{% notice note %}} The regular division operator returns a floating-point number, even if the numbers divide evenly. For example, 3/3 will return 1., not 1. See the difference?

On the other hand, the floor division and modulo operators will return integers. {{% /notice %}}

Python also respects PEMDAS.

>>> 3 + 2
>>> 3 % 2
>>> 3 / 2
>>> 3 // 2          # floor division rounds down!
>>> (3 + 2) / 5
>>> 6 % 4           # the positive remainder of 6/4


In Python, as with any other programming language, you can assign values to variable names. This allows to reuse and update values as your code executes, giving you more flexibility and functionality.

Assigning a variable is as simple as setting it equal to the result of an expression:

>>> c = 5 + 2
>>> c

An important note made in Lab 0 that I'd like to reiterate here is that names are bound to values, not expressions. The statement above will first evaluate 5 + 2 = 7 and then set c = 7.